Wednesday, October 24, 2007

SimpleMaya - Interior Scene

The Living room tutorial is intended for intermediate Maya users. You will begin by setting up your reference image on an image plane and then start modeling the set, using both polygons and nurbs to block the correct shape, and size of the objects. Some of the tools used in the modeling section cover extrude face, cut face tool and split polygon to name a few. After the modeling section is complete we will switch gears and get into UV layouts, which is taking all the modeled geometry and converting it to a flat pintable map to apply textures on them in a painting program. You will learn how to assign color to the geometry to make planar maps as well as tools like move and sew uv's.

Texturing begins after all the uv's are laid out and have a flat map for painting. In a paint program you will learn how to use layers as well as many of the painting options to achieve the correct colors and textures of the objects in your scene. After we get the correct colors on our set we will start to add lights so we can see and understand how both textures and light affect each other. In this part of the tutorial you will learn texturing techniques like bump/spec maps, as well as how to use some of the built in shaders in Maya.

We then cover lots of different lights such as making a main light and fill light. After we have achieved a nice look on both our textures and first few lights we will start adding more light sources to really add all the true highlights and shadows. These light details will be done by using more point lights with decay as well some negative lights to fake shadows in certain areas which will be light-linked to only certain geometry. In the last few sections we go a bit more into the bump map for the sofa as well as creating a Paint effects tree for the final rendering.

Download here:

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